Hays Public Library, in cooperation with the 1000 Books Foundation, invites you to participate in this free program which encourages you to read 1,000 books with your children before they start kindergarten. Join Hays Public Library by participating in this reading challenge! Grow your child’s literacy skills by reading to newborns, infants, and toddlers.

Why Participate

Studies have shown that reading with your child provides a great opportunity for bonding. Reading together is fun and will create life-long memories for both of you, whether you are reading books your family owns, picking them out on a visit to the library, or downloading them onto an e-reader device. Experts agree that children who learn the necessary skills early do better in school and later in life. Participating in 1000 Books Before Kindergarten can help put your child on the right track.

Getting Started

The goal is to read 1,000 books with your child before he or she starts kindergarten. Can you do it? If you read just one book each day, that is 365 books a year. You can reread favorite books. Just keep track of how many books you read on a reading log or through Beanstack, and you will see them adding up fast. If you attend library storytimes, you can count those books, too.

To register your child, you can either sign up at the Children’s information desk, or online at hayslibrary.beanstack.org You can log your books by filling out a paper log or by logging them on Beanstack. Paper logs are available below or at the information desk. Stickers are available at the information desk regardless of if you use paper logs or Beanstack.


Each time you read another 100 books, your child can get a small prize from the children’s information desk. After completing 500 and 1000 books, your child will also get to choose a free book to keep. Also, each August we will be hosting a celebration for anyone that completed the program in the previous 12 months. Best of all, you and your child will feel the pride of accomplishment of reaching this goal together.


If you have any questions about the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program, call the Childrens department at (785) 625-9014.

Printable Logs

0-100    101-200    201-300    301-400    401-500    501-600    601-700    701-800    801-900    901-1000

Imagination Library

A great way to start your child’s journey to 1,000 books is by signing up for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library! Your child will receive a free, age-appropriate book in the mail each month until they turn 5. Signing up, checking out books from the library, and reading (and rereading) favorites at home will have your child on their way to 1,000 books in no time! Click here to sign up for the Imagination Library.
